Tradition petrol cars, with their engine control units, three-way catalytic converters, and clean hydrocarbon fuels emit three things into the air, CO2 a nontoxic gas that is the foundation of life on earth, and H2O or water and nitrogen which makes up 78.1% of Earth's atmosphere.
While is true that a tiny bit of carbon monoxide, CO, which is about 10 molecules for every 10,000 molecules of air slips through the 3 way converters. However, CO is a colorless, nonirritating, odorless, and tasteless gas. It can be found in both outdoor and indoor air. The ubiquitous gas range emits CO as well as CO2 and moisture. Would anyone change that to using an open coal fire on your cooktop? Only if you think like an EV fan...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is very rare in Earth's atmosphere, just 4 molecules out of every 10,000 molecules, yet without it, there would be no life. Medical science has found it to be CO2 is not toxic unless it is concentrated and replaces oxygen. In the last 70 years, atmospheric levels have increased by just one molecule in 10,000 air molecules. In 2017 US Space Administration NASA noted that this almost unmeasurable increase has vastly improved, tree growth, food crops, as well as the greening up of millions of sq. km of deserts.
Despite these positive benefits of increasing CO2 levels and absolutely no negative health issues, several Western countries have decided that it is to society's benefit to make laws to force people into owning and driving EVs. And where do EVs get their energy?
Almost all EVs get their energy from what health professionals call "the most deadly energy on earth," the world's electric grid. Every day the world almost 5,000 coal and fossil fueled electric plants emit billions of tons of carbon monoxide, (CO) nitrogen oxides, (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SOx), and mercury (hg) pollution along with about 60 other toxic gasses. These gasses kill an estimated 15,000 people every day and cause serious health problems such as tumors and cancer. These poisons also damaging the health and quality of life of millions of others. On the other hand, nontoxic CO2 kills zero people every year.
Why are the wealthy and political elite trying to force people to power their cars with "the most deadly energy on earth," It's becoming clear that it's more about wealth transfer to the rich than enriching the lives and health of people or the environment.